2023-11-15 10:40  







2016.09-2021.06 武汉大学,热能工程专业,博士研究生(硕博连读)

2019.09-2020.09 东京大学(日本),建筑学专业,公派联合培养博士研究生

2012.09-2016.06 河海大学,热能与动力工程专业,本科生


1. 建筑环境:泵式风压驱动自然通风及其周期性振荡机理

2. 城市环境:城市热岛舒缓与适应


1. 2022.12-2024.12 安徽省高校自然科学研究项目(2022AH050307),建筑泵式通风时空变化特性模拟及湍流结构识别与分析,主持;

2. 2023.01-2024.12 西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室开放基金(LSKF202312), 建筑泵式通风振荡特性与换气性能研究——数值模拟及湍流结构的识别与分析,主持;

3. 2021.01-2021.12 国家自然科学基金委员会-英国文化协会(NSFC-BC)合作项目,城市热岛效应舒缓与适应性技术论坛(5201101681),项目骨干;

4. 2019.01-2022.12 国家自然科学基金委员会中国核工业集团有限公司核技术创新联合基金,温度层结条件下气载污染物迁移扩散规律(U1867221), 项目骨干;

5. 2018.01-2021.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,内陆城市湖风环流多态耦合与空气环境增益机制研究(51778504), 项目骨干;

6. 2017.01-2019.12 深圳市科技局基础研究计划,城市尺度空气流动不稳定性及热岛和污染岛协同抑制策略研究(JCYJ20160523160857948),参与


  1. Huai-Yu Zhong, Chao Lin, Jin Shang, Yang Sun, Hideki Kikumoto, Ryozo Ooka, Fu-Ping Qian, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Wind tunnel experiments on pumping ventilation through a three-story reduce-scaled building with two openings affected by upwind and downwind buildings, Building and Environment 219 (2022) 109188.

  2. Huai-Yu Zhong, Yang Sun, Jin Shang, Fuping Qian, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Hideki Kikumoto, Carlos Jimenez-Bescos, Xiaochen Liu. Single-sided natural ventilation in buildings: a critical literature review, Building and Environment 212 (2022) 108797.

  3. Huai-Yu Zhong, Yi Jing, Yang Sun, Hideki Kikumoto, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li. Wind-driven pumping flow ventilation of highrise buildings: effects of upstream building arrangements and opening area ratios, Science of the Total Environment 722 (2020) 137924.

  4. Huai-Yu Zhong, Chao Lin, Yang Sun, Hideki Kikumoto, Ryozo Ooka, Hong-Liang Zhang, Hong Hu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Carlos Jimenez-Bescos. Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Modeling Experiments on Pumping Ventilation through a Three-Story Reduce-Scaled Building with Two Openings, Building and Environment 202 (2021) 108043.

  5. Huai-Yu Zhong, Yi Jing, Yang Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Di Liu, Yuguo Li. CFD simulation of “pumping” flow mechanism of an urban building affected by an upstream building in high Reynolds flows, Energy and Buildings 202 (2019) 109330.

  6. Huai-Yu Zhong, Dong-Dong Zhang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Yuguo Li, Han-Qing Wang, Two-dimensional numerical simulation of wind driven ventilation across a building enclosure with two free apertures on the rear side: Vortex shedding and “pumping flow mechanism”, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 179 (2018) 449-462.

  7. Huai-Yu Zhong, Dong-Dong Zhang, Yang Liu, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li, Han-Qing Wang. Wind driven “pumping” fluid flow and turbulent mean oscillation across high-rise building enclosures with multiple natural ventilated apertures, Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101619.

  8. Huaiyu Zhong, Rongrong He, Chengwei Liu, Fuyun Zhao, Di Liu, Full Numerical simulation on the Wind Driven Natural Ventilation across Traditional Songqing Stadium Established Since 1936 in Wuhan University, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 56-63. (EI)

  9. Yi Jing, Huai-Yu Zhong, Wei-Wei Wang, Yi He, Fu-Yun Zhao, Yuguo Li, Quantitative city ventilation evaluation for urban canopy under heat island circulation without geostrophic winds: Multi-scale CFD model and parametric investigations, Building and Environment 196 (2021) 107793.

  10. Dong-Dong Zhang, Huai-Yu Zhong, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Yuguo Li, Han-Qing Wang. Multi-objective-oriented removal of airborne pollutants from a slot-ventilated enclosure subjected to mechanical and multi component buoyancy flows, Applied Mathematical Modelling 60 (2018) 333-353.

  11. Xiaochen Liu, Xiaohua Liu, Tao Zhang, Chao Lin, Huai-Yu Zhong, Ryozo Ooka, Hideki Kikumoto. Winter air infiltration induced by combined buoyancy and wind forces in large-space buildings. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 210 (2021) 104501.

  12. Rong-Rong He, Huai-Yu Zhong, Yang Cai, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao. Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Thermoelectric Refrigeration Box Used for Medical Service, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 1215-1222.

  13. 仲怀玉, 赵福云. 单体建筑泵式通风风洞实验研究[J]. 暖通空调, 2021, 51(S01):122-126.

  14. 马晓煜,仲怀玉,赵福云,刘呈威,风压驱动贯流通风特性与建筑风口布置关联研究,建筑科学34 (2018) 25-31.

  15. 赵福云,尚瑨,景一,仲怀玉,刘娣,王汉青. 自然风主导城市街谷放射性污染物扩散特性模拟[J]. 武汉大学学报(工学版), 55 (2022) 623-631.


    1. 一种循环喷淋式生物气溶胶净化器. 发明专利,专利号:ZL202110458932.0,已授权。

